St Thomas' Church

Newhey, Rochdale,

Gtr Manchester

Vicar Reverand Janet Pitman

Tel: 01706 594284



Church Warden Judith Jones

Tel: 01706 845046

St Thomas' share our ministry with St James' Milnrow. 

Newhey and Milnrow are small vilages situated at the foot of the pennines east of Manchester.



St Thomas Newsletter November 2023

Message from Janet

Dear Friends, 

November is the time for remembering. We remember the saints and our own departed loved ones at the beginning of the month. We remember those whose lives have been lost or damaged by war on Remembrance Sunday. The trouble is – we are so busy with preparations for December, that we forget each other.

There are people in our village, in our families and in our church, for whom this time of year is particularly hard. People for whom the winter weather means isolation, worry about the cost of heat, light and cooking and fear the dark days. People for whom this time of year brings unhappy memories.

So today I want to ask you a favour. Remember somebody. Somebody you say hello to in the summer months but hardly see in the winter. Somebody you know who struggles with the lack of sunlight or is scared to go out in case they slip on the wet pavements. Somebody who lacks the warm, waterproof clothes they need to be out and about. If that sounds like your Nan, Dad, neighbour or friend, remember them. Not just the elderly either. I well remember how hard it is to just go anywhere with a new baby at this time of year. Its possible to be lonely in a crowd, too, especially when everybody is rushing along with their heads down against the rain.

So even though most of us are busy at this time of year, let’s remember somebody. And while you are at it, don’t forget to look after yourself, you’re important too – precious to God and a blessing to those who love you.

God bless



Stir-Up-Sunday - Sunday 26th November, 2.30pm

Get creative and make your very own Christmas cake and pudding (bake at home). Please bring a 10inch / 25.4cm cake tin and a 1 pint pudding basin and a box or bag to carry both home.

Tickets available from Gillian Baran, price £20 which includes all ingredients.


Dates for your Diary

Sunday 26th November - Stir Up Sunday – come and join us to make your very own Christmas Pudding

Saturday 2nd December (TCB) - Wreath Making

Saturday 9th December – Christmas fund raiser (see HELP below)

Sunday 10th December – Christingle and Carol Concert


Gardening Gang

I reiterate Janet’s thanks for anyone and everyone who has helped with the grass cutting and churchyard maintenance this year, however there are still some areas need strimming



Pastoral Care

If you would like to talk to a member of the clergy, please use the contact details below

Please contact Janet:- Tel: 01706 594284

Email: (friday off)


Get Involved :- If you have an article or story you would like to share with your friends at St Thomas please get in touch. Please email your article, story, photos to :-








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